Sunday, July 3, 2016


                 Hi. It's me Rory. And, this is my blog. It's not much and it's not fancy but I like it. If you're expecting to read about the life of a rich girl living in California, or an athletic girl talking about her crazy Ski trips, or the daughter of a secret agent you've come to the wrong place. This sin't one of those blogs. This is my blog. And, I'm just like you.
                 I'm a 14 yr old Army brat. I sing, write songs, and play guitar. Oh, and I write. I am also thinking about vlogging... But, that's a whole other story.
                I might write about my day, or what God is doing in my life, or maybe a secret someone told that I'm dying to tell but can't, or I might just ask you guys questions. I'm hoping people like this and find it interesting.                
                 This is simply a place for me to write whatever I want to write. And, it's just for fun! There are no limit's, expectations, or rules. It's full on Rory! (That should scare you...) I hope you enjoyed my awkward introduction. See you tomorrow!
                                                                                                                    -Blue Eyes Out,
                                                                                                                               Rory Dee.